The surface is effected by the storm.
Do not trust the social surface,
it is a mere projection,
a fabrication for survival,
compensation for insecurity,
and self esteem inflation,
the comfy comfort of delusion and illusion.
Surface storms do not disturb the calm of center, deep waters within.
We race in reaction across the surface of this eternal tranquility,
a tranquility we unknowingly carry everyday,
yet we never allow ourselves to basking in the waters of it’s peace,
surviving not thriving.
Dive deep into the sensory mind,
the dark ocean within,
to the place feelings dwell,
where the whales wail of agony and joy as one,
follow the haunting call
release my line
this is my direction,
down into the depths of reality,
passing through the surface of I and me,
illusion of permanence,
ego structure,
passing fantasy and fear,
re-uniting joy and pain,
blending darkness and light.
Quiet your mind,
a reality beyond thoughts,
observing not acting.
Dive deep,
follow the whales,
they know the secret.